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Тhe danger of Bed Bug Heat Treatment
• Тіmе-сοnsumіng.
Οnе significant disadvantage is thаt thе рrοсеss οf sеttіng uр, аррlyіng thе hеаt, аnd сοοlіng dοwn саn tаkе tіmе, which may put а structure οr rοοm οut οf сοmmіssіοn fοr eight hοurs οr mοrе. ꓝurthеrmοrе, bed bugs mаy sіmрly flее thе hеаt, mοvіng tο nеіghbοrіng араrtmеnts οr buіldіngs аnd rеturnіng thе nехt dаy, bеcаusе bed bug heat treatment dοеs nοt οffеr lοng-tеrm сοntrοl.
• ꓡοgіstісаlly сοmрlісаtеd.
ꓝurthеrmοrе, bеcаusе οf thе hеаt, аll рlаnts, реrіshаblе fοοds, dеlіtсаtе аrt аnd еlесtrοnісs, аnd οf сοursе реts must bе rеmοvеd frοm thе rοοm fοr thе сοursе οf the treatment, which саn require sοmе сοοrdіnаtіοn.
- ꓝіrе hаzаrd.
ꓝіrе саn аlsο bе а сοnсеrn wіth bed bug heat treatment. Іt mаy sрrеаd quickly thrοugh а rοοm οr struсturе еvеn wіth аttеntіvе wοrkеrs рrераrеd fοr thе рοssіbіlіty, еsресіаlly bеcаusе sprinkler and οthеr fіrе suррrеssіοn systеms nееd tο be turned οff during treatment. Α lοсаl fіrе dераrtmеnt mаy hаvе sοmе sресіfіс аdvісе οn handling fіrе risks, οr а fοrmаl рοlісy rеgаrdіng bed bug heat trеаtmеnt аnd sаfеty.
- Uneven аррlісаtіοn οr damage tο bеlοngіngs.
Wіth heat trеаtmеnt, there’s аlsο а risk οf uneven аррlісаtіοn іf wοrkеrs aren’t thοrοugh, items can be damage due tο the heat реnеtrаtіοn.
Νοt еvеry іtеm саn fіt іntο thе hеаt treatment сοmраrtmеnt and thеrеfοrе sοmе іtеms wіll stіll rеquіrе сhеmісаl аррlісаtіοn.
whіlе bed bugs will hаrbοr in furnishings thеy сοmmοnly аrе fοund undеr bаsеbοаrds, bеhіnd dοοr frames аnd іn structural аnd аеsthеtіс раrts οf thе hοmе. Тhеsе аrеаs must bе trеаtеd wіth а сhеmісаl οрtіοn. ꓖrаvіd fеmаlе bеd bugs (рrеgnаnt) οftеn mοvе аwау frοm bed bug аggrеgаtіοn sіtеs іn οrdеr tο еsсаре thе hаrаssіng mаlеs. Тhіs mеаns thаt lοnе fеmаlеs wіll οftеn lay thеrе еggs іn рlасеs аwаy frοm nοrmаl аggrеgаtіοn sіtеs, thіs bеhаvіοr саn mаkе fіndіng аnd еlіmіnаtіοn thе eggs and grаvіd fеmаlе bed bugs dіffісult.
- re-treatment.
With some heat solutions a re-treatment maybe necessary and with that you need to consider the cost and the effect to get ready for another treatment also you many think of damage you could be doing to your home and the items within.
- The cost of heat treatment
So one of biggest problem with bed bug heat treatment is the price because your dealing with large heating equipment.This also include salesman, technician and labor and its usually alot more than chemical application treatment. When considering the cost of bed bug heat treatment you need to think of more than just the price you need to think of potential damage to your items and home. If you even need service in the Tulsa,OK area call Tulsa Bed Bug Specialist 918-892-5254 or visit our site at Tulsabedbugspecialist.com

Title : bed bug preparation instruction
If it turns out that you do have bed bugs the best thing to do is call a professional exterminator as quickly as possible. If a professional exterminator is out of your budget there still might be hope depending on how large the infestation is. No matter is if you hire a pest control specialist or if you decide to do it yourself it will take weeks and possibly months to make sure your home is properly cleansed.
For those of you living in an apartment complex it will be necessary for you to have full cooperation from the surrounding tenants. It’s no use to clean your apartment if you are going to be re-infested from your neighbors shortly after spending money and time on treatments.
The first step to eliminating a bed bug infestation is to stop the spread of the bed bugs. This includes quickly putting all your items in sealed bags. You will also need to vacuum as much as you possibly can and make sure to remove the vacuum bag and throw it away in an outside trash receptacle. This is also a good time to de-clutter your house by throwing away things you don’t actually need or use.
Now it’s to time to actually start the actual treatment. Brace yourself; this isn’t going to be easy. Below is a list of all the things you need to do.
You need to remove clutter from your house. It’s time to get organized and minimize the junk you have collected over the years.
Time to get rid of any cardboard boxes you have laying around your home. Cardboard boxes are another favorite place for bed bugs to hide and multiply.
Make sure your bed is isolated from everything even the walls. Nothing should be close to your bed. This also includes eliminating dust ruffles and storing items under your bed.
Putting traps next to your bed post is also important for two reasons. First, it will help prevent bed bugs from crawling into bed with you. Second, it will help you monitor how well your treatment worked. Make sure to check the traps every so often to see if you are experiencing another resurgence of bed bugs.
All of your sturdy clothes, sheets, and blankets need to be treated with heat; any delicate clothes probably won’t survive the extreme heat needed to kill bed bugs and bed bug eggs. The desired heat is around 125 degrees Fahrenheit.
After you have vacuumed and removed the clutter from your home you will need to steam clean you furniture and carpet. Make sure to get in the hard to reach places that bed bugs love so much.
Remember all of those cracks in wooden surfaces that you checked earlier; now its time to seal all of them up. I would recommend using caulk when sealing around door and window frames. For crack in furniture such as tables and other flat surfaces without cloth of any kind you will need to travel to your local hardware store and grab some wood filler.
Also, make sure that your wallpaper is flat and smooth against the wall. Bed bugs will also hide in loose wallpaper. If you have any loose wallpaper in your home you will need to remove it.

Title : Bed bug phobia
So as pest control professional who does bed bug inspections and service on a weekly basis I think this article is needed. Bed bug phobia is not a real thing but entomophobia is which is the fear of insects. So every week I get a call saying I think a got bed bugs and even so offer I get a customer that call me in fear of potentially getting bed bugs or getting bite. Now fear is sometimes that can be a good but Also it make you over worry, over think ,and over reacted.
Now if u have bed bugs u have them lets talk about treatment option but if you don’t here are some things to think about
why do you think u have them? Is it out of fear or evidence . Here are some before you freak out. I would like to always make decisions on facts not thoughts this is probably a good phrase we should all live by.
have u have them in the pass this may be the top reason why you think you have bed bugs and you use an professional exterminator to eliminate an bed bug Infestation in your home your probably be ok. you’re probably just Paranoid so if you see anymore signs and their no more bites and it’s been weeks or months don’t worry about it. Now if if you start seeing signs again or getting bit again it might it might be time to call the past pest control company and relay your concerns and ask for suggestions on the cause.
3 does someone you know have them
So if you know someone with bed bugs avoid them like the plague keep your distance and if u go in their home don’t sit on their furniture and don’t borrow any clothes or bedding and u should be ok. Now if your neighbor or the unit next to you has bed bugs don’t get worried yet the infestation usually has to be really bad for any bed bugs to come into your unit well this does happen it’s usually rare
4 did u hear a scary report on the new or read a disturbing article .this will keep your antenna up maybe the report talked about your bed bug Infestation at a school or movie theater so u quickly go check your bed and your children beds and u find in this case stopping. remember having bed bugs is horrible thing but the new will add some extra fear and drama to the situation so if you haven’t been to places where their reporting on Frant not.
In conclusion anybody can get bed bugs but not everybody does if you see no signs of bed bugs play blood stains or feces stains and if you haven’t got bite you probably don’t have bed bugs but if you want to be sure call a pest control professional to do an inspection.a great tulsa pest control company to call this is tulsa bed bug specialist.
Find them at Tulsabedbugspecialist.com

Title Bed Bug Indicators.
Imagine abruptly waking up from a peaceful night of sleep to the sensation of your entire body being completely itchy. Then you start to wonder if your pet picked up some fleas from the dog down the street. Maybe it’s bed Bugs? I have created a list of possible indicators of a bed bug infestation below.
The best place to start is by learning what a bed bug looks like. A grown up bed bug is brownish and oval shaped. Bed bugs are up to .25 inches long when they reach adulthood. Their bodies are also extremely flat. They are so flat they can get behind outlet covers and wallpaper. When bed bugs eat they will become dark red and larger then they usually would appear.
I have compiled a list of areas bed bugs tend to hide. Let’s put that new knowledge of bed bug identification to good use. Beds, couches and chairs are the most likely spot for bed bugs to hide. Make sure you do a real in depth examination, especially in the dark shaded areas that make nice little homes for bed bugs. I’m talking about between the mattress and the box springs of a bed and underneath the chair and couch cushions this also includes the seams and tags. There are a few other hiding spots you also need to check like the cracks on the actual bed frames, draw joints, even in the heads of screws. You might want to wear gloves if you think you’re likely to find a large group of bed bugs.
Just because you don’t see any bed bugs doesn’t mean they aren’t there. You need to check fro traces of bed bugs activity. The sight of dark rusty colored stains are an indicator as are clear empty shells of bed bug larva. Look for any blood droplet stains on cloth furniture that you sit or sleep on.
Allergic reactions and bug bites from insects other than bed bugs can wrongly be misinterpreted as signs of bed bugs so be careful not to over react if you see what appears to be bites over your body. While bug bites by themselves are not solid evidence of a bed bug infestation they can be indicative of an infestation if you have other evidence such as blood spots, stains and empty egg shells.
If you have spotted multiple clues from this article then you probably have a bed bug infestation and need to call a pest control specialist to come remove your bed bugs. Exterminating bed bugs is a long and tedious process and you want to be sure that you actually have bed bugs before you spend your hard earned money on a pest control specialist.

Title i have bed bugs
Picture abruptly waking up from a peaceful night of rest to the feeling of yourself being covered in itches. Then you start to wonder if your pet picked up some fleas from the mangy cat from the park. You get that sinking feeling when the word “Bed Bugs” flashes in your mind. Underneath is checklist of things to look for to determine if you have bed bugs.
Being able to identify what a bed bug actually looks like is step number one. A grown up bed bug is brownish and oval shaped. While a bed bug might only be a few millimeters tall the can reach up to a quarter of an inch in length. They are so flat they can get behind outlet covers and wallpaper. After feeding a bed bug will be redder and larger both in length and in girth.
Now that you know what a bed bug looks like, the next the step is to look in their favorite hiding spots. Bed bugs tend to make their homes in places like chairs, couches, and beds. Pay very close attention to search the parts of the furniture that aren’t usually visible such as underneath mattresses and cushions and don’t forget the seams and piping. There are a few other hiding spots you also need to check like the cracks on the actual bed frames, draw joints, even in the heads of screws. You might want to wear gloves if you think your likely to find a large group of bed bugs.
Just because you don’t see any bed bugs doesn’t mean they aren’t there. You need to check fro traces of bed bugs activity. Keep a sharp lookout for brownish red spots, these spots can be evidence of bed bugs feces. Small red stains on your bedding, chairs or sofa could be blood from being bitten by bed bugs.
While not the best indicator, bite marks can also be a sign of bed bugs due to being easily misidentified when the actual culprit could be another pest or some allergy reaction. If you have found other clues that would make you think there could possible be abed bug infestation then those bug bites need to be taken as a serious sign of infestation.
Make sure to call an exterminator as soon as possible if you have found multiple signs of bed bug infestation after reading everything here. Exterminating bed bugs is a long and tedious process and you want to be sure that you actually have bed bugs before you spend your hard earned money on a pest control specialist.

Title : Types of treatment
Synthetic Spray
chemical sprays aren’t nearly as effective as they used to be. Bedbugs have developed a more protective shield allowing them to survive several treatments. In order to effectively eliminate bedbugs with chemical sprays, the professional exterminator will need to spray the home several times. At the same time, it is vital to understand that chemical sprays can be dangerous to your health. They may harm you, your family members and your pets. Therefore, you’ll need to remain outside of the home for a lengthy period of time.It is best to avoid sprays unless they’re your only option.
You can choose freezing or cryonite. Cryonite can kill the bugs and eggs with direct contact. This chemical-free solution is really safe for everyone involved. Freezing is not going to penetrate the materials in your home and there will be residual effects. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about your property being damaged. The only downside is that cryonite is very similar to steam. To be effective, both have to make direct contact with the pest. Having a professional carry out the treatment can make a difference.
Steam is another chemical-free solution for killing bed bugs and their eggs. Steam works great, but it does have a few minor flaws. First and foremost, you have to worry about the moisture left behind. If the moisture is not handled properly, there is a chance that it is going to ruin some of your belongings. Also, the steam has to make direct contact with the bug and the egg. Therefore, its effectiveness can be questionable. Still, steam will prove to be safer than chemicals.
Heat Treatment Pros Vs Cons
No perp work for the customer. So heat treatment is attracted to alot of people for one reason not much preparation work just remove a few items and pets and that it.
Beg bug Heat treatment Cons
* The cost
heat treatment come with heavy large experience equipment.
So this mean it come with heavy price tag.
*If the customer miss removing flammable items your home catching on fire
*If the treatment is not done correctly the company maybe have to come back out.
So I hear this a lot when it comes to even successful heat treatment jobs items melting .
Damaging Electronics. I’ve actually hurt cases were computers and TVs would not turn on after the heat treatment was performed
Bed bug Product application
Cheap than heat treatment. So usually when it comes to bed bug product application the most accurate pain for it is the individuals so you’re not having to pay for equipment and labor.
More of a thorough service.usually your dealing with experience technical so They know what to treat and where to treat for bed bug.
Follow-up treatments and inspections. So follow-up treatments and inspections are a must when it comes to doing product application so this is always usually presented with the agreement on the service
Residual element that kills long-term. so product application usually has a residual element that kills bed bugs long term meaning that if you haven’t figured out where your bed bug problem is coming from it might be good to have something left behind to kill bed bug, if any more come to the area or home.
The re entry time. So usually there’s a time frame where you can’t enter the area or the home after the treatment so this may take longer than using a heat treatment.
So for the money it seems that going with product application is the best for the money and offers the best service but with any company or service you always want to talk with the company providing service and a soft questions you might have first service in the Tulsa Oklahoma area we recommend a company called Tulsa bed bug specialist. Call or text now at nine one 918-892-5254

Title : bed bug treatment pro vs cons
Heat Treatment Pros Vs Cons
No perp work for the customer. So heat treatment is attracted to alot of people for one reason not much preparation work just remove a few items and pets and that it.
Beg bug Heat treatment Cons
* The cost
heat treatment come with heavy large experience equipment.
So this mean it come with heavy price tag.
*If the customer miss removing flammable items your home catching on fire
*If the treatment is not done correctly the company maybe have to come back out.
So I hear this a lot when it comes to even successful heat treatment jobs items melting .
Damaging Electronics. I’ve actually hurt cases were computers and TVs would not turn on after the heat treatment was performed
Bed bug Product application
Cheap than heat treatment. So usually when it comes to bed bug product application the most accurate pain for it is the individuals so you’re not having to pay for equipment and labor.
More of a thorough service.usually your dealing with experience technical so They know what to treat and where to treat for bed bug.
Follow-up treatments and inspections. So follow-up treatments and inspections are a must when it comes to doing product application so this is always usually presented with the agreement on the service
Residual element that kills long-term. so product application usually has a residual element that kills bed bugs long term meaning that if you haven’t figured out where your bed bug problem is coming from it might be good to have something left behind to kill bed bug, if any more come to the area or home.
The re entry time. So usually there’s a time frame where you can’t enter the area or the home after the treatment so this may take longer than using a heat treatment.
So for the money it seems that going with product application is the best for the money and offers the best service but with any company or service you always want to talk with the company providing service and a soft questions you might have first service in the Tulsa Oklahoma area we recommend a company called Tulsa bed bug specialist. Call or text now at nine one 918-892-5254

Title : bed bug treatment option
Bed bugs are one of the most annoying critters that could infest your home and your office. Once they’ve arrived, you’re going to need to work quickly to rectify the situation. If you do not, the problem is only going to compound. In the past, chemical sprays were the number one treatment option. They worked exceptionally well and were able to get rid of those bugs for good. While chemical sprays are still used, times have changed and better alternatives are now available. you will learn more about the treatment options provided by professional pathfinderpestcontrol.com